Connect with your team..
Engaging in small talk can actually make you better at your job, so look up, and look out for your work colleagues! We all know that talking with people, relieves stress, but even those little interactions like smiling and greeting people can make a huge difference in your work and your mindset.

Check in Chat
This is an honest, five minute catch up where the words "alright", "fine" are " good" are banned!
Ask the following questions:
How are you? How are you really?
What's going well?
What are you worried about?
What do you need?

WhatsApp Group
Whilst social media can be a big time waster, creating a team on What'sApp can be useful either for texting or group calls. All WhatsApp messages are encrypted so it's also a safe place to talk and you can even get What'sApp on your laptop. If you have a team where there are some people who never connect, then why not connect them? The company, "Trello" do this every week, see how they do it here.

Coffee Time & Tea breaks
Make sure you schedule regular coffee and tea breaks into your calendar so that small groups get to spend time with each other. It doesn't need to be the whole team, but it could be. If some of the team are at home, then make use of Microsoft teams or Zoom to bring them into the office at tea breaks!